Bhagia: “I Trust Law Enforcement, Not Politicians To Investigate Racial Flyer” By Insider NJ | March 10, 2021, 10:39 pm | in City Confidential
On Wednesday, Edison Mayor Candidate Mahesh Bhagia, who was endorsed by the Edison Democratic Organization in a landslide victory and is widely considered the frontrunner in the Edison Mayoral race, issued the following statement regarding the investigation into the racial flier from 2017:
“The racial flier was shameful and deplorable, and I was personally offended when I saw it. I also believe creating a sham investigation of the flyer to further personal political ambitions and target political opponents is equally shameful and deplorable. For nearly three and half years now, I have watched with disgust as the Edison Council fumbled around and took part in a politicized witch hunt instead of searching for facts and the truth.