Two incumbents re-elected to the Sanibel City Council earlier this month by the island s voters were sworn in at the council s recent meeting, then the council
Council says goodbye to members and votes on permits, signs
By TIFFANY REPECKI / - | Mar 9, 2021
The Sanibel City Council bid farewell to three council members at its recent meeting, as well as considered special events permits and a change to temporary outdoor signage for businesses.
On March 2, Mayor Mick Denham marked his final meeting serving on the council, along with Councilmembers Chauncey Goss and Jerry Muench. Denham did not seek re-election in March, and Goss and Muench were appointed late last year on an interim basis to fill the seats of former Mayor Kevin Ruane and Councilmember Jason Maughan as they ran for office in November’s election.
Support these three candidates
To the editor:
In this upcoming city council election, Sanibel voters have the opportunity to form a council that can strengthen our communities most important tenet, “Sanctuary Island.” Currently we have in place two excellent leaders who bolster that core value in Vice Mayor Holly Smith and Councilmember Richard Johnson. We have seen Smith’s extraordinary work ethic to keep Sanibel safe and healthy, as well as her protection of our natural resources. During this pandemic we have seen Johnson’s tireless efforts in support of our local retailers, restaurants and resorts. The Johnson and Bailey families have worked tirelessly to conserve our island culture and lifestyle.
City council raises decal costs to park
By TIFFANY REPECKI / - | Feb 9, 2021
Updated city of Sanibel Parking Zone Map.
The Sanibel City Council approved price increases for its non-resident beach parking decals at its recent meeting, as well as heard reports about the Jordan Marsh Water Quality Treatment Park and the city’s short-term rental registration program.
On Feb. 2, the council voted unanimously 5-0 to raise the cost of its “B” decal to $300 and its “BC” decal to $399, while also approving a one-time 25 percent discount due to the late release of this year’s decals – setting the final prices for the 2021 non-resident decals as $225 for “B” and $324 for “BC.”