the mandate that you have got to finish school and you got to have a job. and unfortunately, as we take a look at some of the statistics, bob massi, the unemployment rate in the black community is through the roof. in 2008, when president obama was elected, it was at about 25%. in the latest data available, it s now at 27%. that s one in four. steve, the co-dependency and entitlements of the last six, seven years has not helped the people he said he wanted to help. you cannot continue to write paychecks to people that are capable of going out and working and providing. these, these men, these young men, i had to sort of i didn t laugh. i thought it was sad last night when on one of the shows, when they had a councilman saying on aren t these kids thugs? he said, no, they re teenagers. they re college students. if you re 18, 19 years old, out on the streets and don t have a