SC city councilman to donate paychecks for rest of term Follow Us
Question of the Day By - Associated Press - Wednesday, January 27, 2021
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) - A Charleston city councilman is giving up his paychecks to support those in his district.
City Councilman Harry Griffin on Wednesday announced on Facebook that he would be donating his checks to the City of Charleston in the amount of his monthly net salary for the rest of his term, which ends in 2022, WCIV-TV reported.
Griffin said at the end of this week, he will be giving a check to the city for $915.24, his monthly salary.
COVID-19 updates: South Carolina health officials reported 641 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, with 345 probable cases on Monday, with 7 additional confirmed deaths. With 22,454 tests reported Monday, 4.4% were positive. As of 1:41 p.m., April 5 via S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control: Confirmed cases in S.C.: 467,750 (+641)Total positive cases in Charleston County: 40,971 […]
The College of Charleston School of the Arts has its first in-person live event in over a year coming up this weekend. The school is presenting Arts Under the Oaks, a two-day festival featuring opera, musical theater and dance showcases. Taking place live at CofC’s Stono Preserve (5297 Dixie Plantation Rd. in Meggett), the event […]
Charleston city councilman removed from committee following downtown rally
VIDEO: Charleston city councilman removed from committee following downtown rally By Lisa Weismann and Live 5 Web Staff | December 11, 2020 at 5:29 PM EST - Updated December 11 at 11:11 PM
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - The City of Charleston’s Commission on Equity, Inclusion and Racial Conciliation has only been around for 6 months, and on Friday, it lost a member.
City Councilman Harry Griffin will no longer serve on that board. The co-chairs of the commission put out a statement, saying in order to complete their work without further distraction, they made the decision to remove Griffin.