The reality is that, based on the way rent control is in san francisco, when the tenant moves out, the landlord can put the rental at any price they can get, it moves closer to market rate. When people first year about the kind of work that i do and talk about sros, they say its great that you work with affordable housing. The first thing i say is, is not affordable. Its available housing stock. 700 900 a month is not affordable housing. Not what you get for an 8x10. You get Better Benefits in jail. That is sad. That we do this to our fellow citizens. 30,000 people in san francisco. Chair we will go to ken stein. I want to personally thank the presenters today and to point out that even though we in this room and in this community are a bubble of disability and none of this surprises us, the reality is that this discussion is a quantum leap from anything the city has had. Even in the most recent years, we were not able to get disability demographics. We always staff about accessibility
Buckeye broadband, on cspan along these other providers. Giving a front row seat to democracy. Implemented after the Supreme Court struck down roe v. Wade, the va beneficiaries. When their lives are at risk, or in cases of rape or incest. They testified before the House Veterans Affairs committee. Are the meeting platform was ready to begin . Yes. Please provide a five second count. Five, four, three, two, one. Good afternoon, i call this hearing to order. Without objection, the chair is authorized to declare resets it anytime. The Committee Procedures for remote hearing remain the same. If youre experiencing connectivity issues, make sure you or your staff contact our designated Technical Support so those issues can be resolved immediately. If you wish to have a document inserted into the record please ask for unanimous consent and have your staff email the document to Veterans Affairs dot hearings at mail dot house. Gov. Without objection, members will be recognized in order of senio
Good afternoon, i call this hearing to order. Without objection, the chair is authorized to declare resets it anytime. The Committee Procedures for remote hearing remain the same. If youre experiencing connectivity issues, make sure you or your staff contact our designated Technical Support so those issues can be resolved immediately. If you wish to have a document inserted into the record please ask for unanimous consent and have your staff email the document to Veterans Affairs dot hearings at mail dot house. Gov. Without objection, members will be recognized in order of seniority for questioning witness of the day. This will make it easier to ensure all members participating have an opportunity to be recognized. Does any member have a question about the procedures for this hearing . Hearing none we will proceed. I will recognize myself for an opening statement. Over the last years we have often seen women as the Fastest Growing covert among veterans. Our hearing today will examine W
Chair councilmember supanich. Does that prevent someone from taking off a term and coming back . The bylaws would be silent and would not prevent someone from taking a year off as currently written. All right. Chair because it says consecutive. Right. Chair Councilmember Wilson . Councilmember wilson is that four years . Two. I would like to make a motion to adopt it. I will second the. Chair cochair james . Okay. We had two questions. I have a question. We have not had a motion to approve is yet or a second. Did we . Who made a motion to approve . Cochair james, councilmember supanich. Now we are open for discussion and Public Comment. Have a question about the intent of the proposed amendment. I am suspecting the intent by the author is to encourage and engage more councilmember leadership opportunities. What would happen if that were not the result . Lets hope that would not be the case if that comes into approval. Maybe that option, discussion . Councilmember wilson . I do not unde
True for every person with a disability. In looking at the enforcement, the idea came out early on and im sorry, i will go on too long, having a separate enforcement time if the problem affects a senior or person with disability. How do people document whether the person had disabilities . That gets complicated. A lot of people get left out. Those of things that we thought about. It sounds like it is an area where you have specific ideas. We can make sure that if people have invisible disabilities, and have needs, we want to hear them. The concept of reasonable accommodation under the fair housing Amendment Act. Part of what the issues are in your recommendations, jessica, doing outreach with tenants about the fair housing Amendment Act rights, and the opportunity to actually create a reasonable accommodation for the landlord, that would allow for submission of the medical documentation for disability. That is not unheard of. That takes care the fact of nonvisible disabilities. There i