The Ketchikan City Council in a regular meeting Thursday approved two city ordinance adjustments in a first reading to raise city water rates by 4.0% and electric rates by 1.5%.
During the last hour of Thursday evening’s regular Ketchikan City Council meeting, Council members continued to comb through a proposed update to the dock vendor agreement, directing staff to make
The Ketchikan City Council in a regular meeting Thursday approved $168,162 for the Humanitarian Services grant fund program, as well as the 2023-2025 collective bargaining agreement between the City of
The Ketchikan City Council in a regular meeting Thursday is set to consider affirming the Humanitarian Services grant fund amount of $185,000 approved during budget sessions in December.
The Ketchikan City Council met on Wednesday evening in its final special meeting to examine and discuss the City of Ketchikan’s draft 2023 General Operating and Capital budget.