MATTAWA The Mattawa City Council voted unanimously Thursday to approve new codes regarding the city’s animal control operations and the designation of potentially dangerous dogs, as well as restrictions for problem dog owners.
City Attorney Katherine Kenison introduced the changes to the code.
“This ordinance is in response partially to your current animal control ordinance, which doesn't really address the potentially dangerous dog component of dangerous dogs under the state statute, and it didn't define a process for how you're handling potentially dangerous dogs,” she said. “You've had, as you've heard, some more activity with your dogs at large, which has resulted in a few incidents where there has been some human contact with the dogs.”
MATTAWA – The Mattawa City Council and NCW Libraries Executive Director Barbara Walters, attending via video conference, discussed renewing the city’s contract with NCW Libraries for the Mattawa Public Library during Thursday evening’s regular meeting.
MATTAWA Representatives of Seattle University and Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla attended Thursday’s regular Mattawa City Council meeting via video conference to present their report on temporary agricultural workers in the Mattawa area. The council also approved the final 2024 budget in the meeting.