With so much traffic from commuters and delivery drivers to university students driving up at all hours, it's actually the parking that's causing most of the issues
Progress on the Billings Bypass Project is moving along after over a decade of planning. Each day, the city is one step closer to connecting the Billings Heights to Lockwood.
BBC News
image captionThe rescued swan has begun nesting following its ordeal
A swan that was rescued after having a sock pulled tightly over its head by pranksters has begun nesting following its ordeal.
The swan was found in Coulson Road, Lincoln, on 2 May, and would probably have starved to death or suffocated without help, police said.
However, a rescue charity said the swan and its partner were now both doing well and preparing for a new family.
The eggs are expected to hatch in about five weeks.
Dan Sidley, from the Yorkshire Swan and Wildlife Rescue Hospital which reported the initial incident, said: They are very much together, very much in love, and are now planning for a family.