aren t competent. their job is to treat patients. they have a tendency not to document what they see. that is why they want to put forensic nurses in emergency rooms to document these injuries because doctors aren t interested in the injuries. they are interested in treating the patient. the fire rescue people are interested in injuries. they are interested just like doctors in treating a person. because if you read the records they mention two lacerations. they don t say where they are except in the back of the head. it was measured for you and that is how you were able to detail how little they were. then they didn t say which one was on the right side and which was on the left side or located exactly. so, you know you could tell, couldn t you, when you looked at the photograph? yes.
job in the sense they know what they re doing. yeah, i m not saying these people are incompetent. their job is to treat patients. they have a tendency not to document what they see. that s why they want to put forensic nurses in emergency rooms, to document these injuries. doctors aren t interested in the injuries. they re interested in treating the patient. sure. but the fire rescue people are interested in injuries, aren t they? they re interested just like doctors in treating a person. if you read the records, they mention two lacerations. they don t even say where they are except on the back of the head. well, ms. fulgate actually measured it for you. that s why you were able to detail exactly how little they were. right. 20 millimeters and 5 millimeters. they didn t say which one was on the right side, which one was on the left side, or located exactly. so, you know now, you could tell, couldn t you, when you looked at the 20130624 110600 FOX and Friends/FOXNEWSW 20130624 110600 FOX and Friends.thumbs/FOXNEWSW 20130624 110600 FOX and Friends 000267.jpg />
brian: the country is talking about global warming! the great global warming debate. in the 1920s, magazine covers had a very, very scary phenomenon. it was called global cooling. the planet was cooling. but the planet was severely cooling and everybody was worried about global cooling. now it s global warming. no, we have bigger problems, believe me. carol: i have a quick question. how do you feel about the newspapers that printed what snowden gave them? what do you think? i think it s disgraceful. that s what they do. steve: it s a story. yeah. they have information. wouldn t it be wonderful if you could say, couldn t you folks, come on, give us a break. but how does he get this information? here is a guy, didn t even graduate from high school. he was a high school dropout. how did he get the job in the first place? where did he come from? now he s traveling the world and everybody is protecting him. it really is a shame. our country is in very sad shape. look, we have
alisyn: do you think he will sit there three hours? i think he wants to go home, steve. brian: bird dog to the bottom right there. that s baxter. and then the upper right? steve: that of course is remington, also known as remi belonging to jen cunningham, one of our big shot producers. brian: the dog is a little bit hyper today. alisyn: duke is having gas astro intestinal issues. steve: how much does that dog way? brian: if you remember the first time you were on television you were probably gassy. alisyn: so glad to do smello-vision at home. clayton: i can see that being brian s dog. couldn t you? take your dog to work. tucker: this is why we are better than the terrorists. i m serious. we love dogs and they don t. alisyn: you are right. you guys loved it yesterday so much that it was take your dog to work day that you sent in your photos. here are a few.