you get less bang for your buck than if you had more of your own money. being fueled by outside money carries a more ominous risk than the fact you re not going to have any bargains. you also have do cede control to the superpacs when it comes to triage. among other things. in terms of cutting their losses and hedging their bets and pulling their money out of unwinnable races, the superpacs have their own agendas, right? mitt romney campaign is never going to cut and run from mitt romney. but couldn t the superpacs at some point if the polls stay the way they are just decide mitt romney is running an unwinnable campaign, their money might be better spent in down-ballot campaigns? when the superpacs do their political triage there s an option to cut mitt romney loose. joining us now for the interview, an evil dark money overlord named bill burton, a senior strategist for the pro-obama superpac, priorities usa action. bill, it s good to have you here. overlord is such a dirty word.
the fact you re not going to have any bargains. you also have do cede control to the superpacs when it comes to triage. among other things. in terms of cutting their losses and hedging their bets and pulling their money out of unwinnable races, the superpacs have their own agendas, right? mitt romney campaign is never going to cut and run from mitt romney. but couldn t the superpacs at some point if the polls stay the way they are just decide mitt romney is running an unwinnable campaign, their money might be better spent in down-ballot campaigns? when the superpacs do their political triage there s an option to cut mitt romney loose. joining us now for the interview, an evil dark money overlord named bill burton, a senior strategist for the pro-obama superpac, priorities usa action. bill, it s good to have you here. overlord is such a dirty word. it sounds better than it looks. it looks nice. then you say it out loud. i don t think it looks nice, either. did i get the basic
political triage is interesting to watch. right? it shows you just how high the stakes are at this point in the campaign. but, of course, this year the money is not just coming from the candidates and the parties campaign committees. this year a huge amount of the money being cycled into the campaign comes from superpacs and other outside groups, groups that presumably will be going some triaging of their own before long. right now the news from the dark money world is mostly just about how much of it there is. and there is a lot of it. on the democratic leaning side, the billionaire george soros announced today he s giving 1 million bucks to a superpac that supports president obama and a half million bucks to superpacs supporting democratic congressional candidates. on the republican leaning side, ad buys, in the final stretch of the campaign. see them on the screen. multimillion dollar ad buys in some states. in some states, they re buying ads in states that neighbor swing states. t
he was getting cut loose, today the republican house campaign committee says they are reserving that time for joe walsh. political triage is interesting to watch. right? it shows you just how high the stakes are at this point in the campaign. but, of course, this year the money is not just coming from the candidates and the parties campaign committees. this year a huge amount of the money being cycled into the campaign comes from superpacs and other outside groups, groups that presumably will be going some triaging of their own before long. right now the news from the dark money world is mostly just about how much of it there is. and there is a lot of it. on the democratic leaning side, the billionaire george soros announced today he s giving 1 million bucks to a superpac that supports president obama and a half million bucks to superpacs supporting democratic congressional candidates. on the republican leaning side, ad buys, in the final stretch of the campaign. see them on the scree
campaigns, money you ve been raising and spending. it s at a disadvantage. you have to pay more for your ad time? the campaigns pay a much cheaper rate than the superpacs are able to pay. on the republican side, karl rove and the koch brothers have hundreds of millions of dollars so can put throwaway behind ads they re doing and can be up and have an impact. the truth is the campaigns are allowed to spend at a much cheaper value. i know that the legal distinction is that there s not supposed to be any coordination between pacs supporting a candidate. superpacs supporting a candidate and the candidates campaign. here s the thing i don t understand. i understand that means you can t sit down with david axelrod and say, okay, we re all going to focus on bain. can t you just go second? can t you wait to see what the obama campaign is doing and copy them and backstop them. this has been a big disadvantage for the republican side. i feel bad for our counterparts over there. if you wat