court s big deskicision on gay rights, the long-awaited victory for the gay rights movement. but as the president said today in senegal, it still does not mean that marriage equality is the law of the land. there are implications that flow from it because the supreme court did not make a blanket ruling that applies nationally but rather left it up to the ability of states to recognize the dignity and respect of same-sex marriage and that the federal government couldn t negate the decision by those states. joining me now is the legal dream team that won the case in the supreme court, david boyce and ted olson. first, gentlemen, congratulations. i m sure the celebrations overnight are still continuing, at least the afterdploe. david, first to you. this unlikely combination you were adversaries in the famous bush v. gore supreme court arguments. here you are partners and
did not make a blanket ruling that applies nationally but rather lifted up the ability of states to recognize the dignity and respect of same sex marriage, and that the federal government couldn t negate the decision by those states. now here s what s happened in the last 24 hours since these historic rulings came down. president obama has asked attorney general eric holder with overseeing changes in cabinet agencies in response to the doma ruling. defense department is beginning to distribute spousal benefits. 84-year-old edie windsor said she cried when she heard this news. for someone tonight who remains opposed what do you most want to say to them? maybe trust me. okay. i think it would be better for countries by giving dig to when
he s saying look the majority in the doma only decided or purports to decide the constitutionality of the defense of marriage act whether the federal government could continue to existing marriages of same-sex coupl couples. he s right that many people in america want to get married, lesbians and gay men want to get married and the country is on a journey and the country is getting to a place of equality in an incredibly quick way. last november 1st there was six states plus the district of column that that aloud same-sex couples to marry and none of those marriages had got federal respect. today we have 13 states plus the district of columbia and federal respect for all those marriages. now we were at 11% of the country, now we re at 30%. the momentum on this issue is astounding. we have leap frogfroggedleap