phone, pay for the food. i don t care. after a while, you know, before 1984, julie, there were a lot of people who didn t have phones, who couldn t make calls. they made out fine. the country did very well for a couple hundred years and all of a sudden, you want to give everybody something because you think they re entitled to it. we got to leave it there. coming up, think gas prices are high now? these guys just getting started.
horse and take them away to an undisclosed location. where did you take them and why did you take them? that has to relevance to the case right now. you are talking about phone calls being made and i have some questions. how do you know these calls were made? does anybody know? has fbi come out and made a statement or the kcpd made a statement that calls were made. the lady that says she has the 50 second call. was she told that or did she look on her phone or show that to a journalist. i m not hearing the answers to that. you are an investigator on the ground. that is exactly right. that is exactly right. have you spoken to her? no, i haven t spoken to her yet but i m delegate the questions. i feel fairly certain i know the answers. what is the answer? that law enforcement hasn t come out and said the calls were made. judge jeanine: they are playing it close to the vest, they wouldn t say that. that is right and law
involved or lying about certain items in this case. even after she is confronted with the cell phone call being made it is an absolute that the cell phone call was made then she goes in the media for two and a half weeks and still says that they couldn t make outgoing calls. so that was so important to her that she continues the media blitz. and by the way, gentlemen, you can always make a 911 call. and why were they looking for the phone if they knew they couldn t make calls. exactly. judge jeanine: how does she explain that? she doesn t. she stays quiet and stops talkining. how is that? lisa wasn t the only child in the home the night lisa disappeared. police also want to interview the half brothers. what did the boys hear and what can the investigators find out? the delicate business of interviewing children, next.
horse and take them away to an undisclosed location. where did you take them and why did you take them? that has to relevance to the case right now. you are talking about phone calls being made and i have some questions. how do you know these calls were made? does anybody know? has fbi come out and made a statement or the kcpd made a statement that calls were made. the lady that says she has the 50 second call. was she told that or did she look on her phone or show that to a journalist. i m not hearing the answers to that. you are an investigator on the ground. that is exactly right. that is exactly right. have you spoken to her? no, i haven t spoken to her yet but i m delegate the questions. i feel fairly certain i know the answers. what is the answer? that law enforcement hasn t come out and said the calls were made. judge jeanine: they are playing it close to the vest, they wouldn t say that. that is right and law
involved or lying about certain items in this case. even after she is confronted with the cell phone call being made it is an absolute that the cell phone call was made then she goes in the media for two and a half weeks and still says that they couldn t make outgoing calls. so that was so important to her that she continues the media blitz. and by the way, gentlemen, you can always make a 911 call. and why were they looking for the phone if they knew they couldn t make calls. exactly. judge jeanine: how does she explain that? she doesn t. she stays quiet and stops talking. how is that? lisa wasn t the only child in the home the night lisa disappeared. police also want to interview the half brothers. what did the boys hear and what can the investigators find out? the delicate business of interviewing children, next. [ country ]