and what you just said, vicky, is key. if the senate passes this and pressures the house, there s a chance. if it doesn t, he doesn t get to blame it on the house. vicky and charles, thank you both. if you thought john mccain and the benghazi truthers had claimed the political scalp of susan rice, you would be as wrong as they were when the president named her his national security adviser. we ll delve into that next. because she s got other things to stress about. go to to apply.
john mccain, that was awesome, calling it passive aggressive, rand paul was aggressive aggressive and accused her again and lied again and said she was responsible for misleading the american people about benghazi. when we got those talking points memos and saw even in the weird abc version and the white house official version, the one thing those versions agreed on was that susan rice had nothing to do with it. her staff either. people said that she deserved an apology and lindsey graham shot back she deserves a subpoena. so they keep it up. i can t help but think it has something to do with her closeness to the president, her being a woman, all of the garbage about her not being very smart, according to senator mccain, and incompetent, according to lindsey graham, has creepy gender and i just want to say this also and i want to talk about her new position, because it s quite a powerful one. yes, it is. but also it s not the
if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. and i m happy to have that discussion with them. but for them to go after the u.n. ambassador who had nothing to do with benghazi and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence that she had received and to besmirch her reputation is outrageous. that was the president defending his ambassador to the united nation, susan rice, back in november from a torrent of vicious, constant, brutal attacks led by john mccain and lindsay graham. all for her appearance on some
however they managed, republicans did do that. they did pre-emptively knock susan rice out of secretary of state. but today president obama got the last laugh. because today the president announced none other than susan rice has his new national security adviser that does not require confirmation from the senate. john mccain was left with no other recourse and just sputtered around and announced a tweet. obviously i disagree with potus appointment of susan rice as national security adviser. but i ll make every effort to work with her on important issues. yes, he will. because unfortunately, for senator mccain, he has no other choice. joining me now is joan walsh, editor at large for salon and author of the book, what s the matter with white people, finding our way in the next america. okay. i just have to say, just to hammer this home, susan rice was so screwed on this whole benghazi thing. just to make as i mean, she had nothing to do with it. why was she the target? i still don
craziest thing to me that they were trying to look out for their bro, john kerry, who they have known for a long time, who was in the senate with them, who has served on committees with them. that to me at the end of the day, when john kerry got this, and i m not saying this to take anything away from john kerry himself, but that also looked like what was going on. that s what a secretary of state is supposed to look like and that s what they are used to and i thought about it again today, too, because you have that incredible visual of the president standing there with susan rice and samantha power, two relatively young women, two people you couldn t imagine john mccain and lindsay graham singling out, or mitt romney putting in his administration. there s a powerful symbolism and there s a break with that old boys network. of course, we ve had women secretaries of state. john kerry got a little affirmative action to get that position back. so i want to make that clear. until this