new york times writer at large behind this incredible piece, also ethan bernstein with harvard business school, he studies labor there. sara, why have so many people in our society become so angry a year and a half ago we couldn t go to restaurant, we were locked down, we couldn t celebrate with our families. now we re going off on store clerks. why are we this angry? i think we re angry at other stuff and we re taking it out on people in these restaurants, in airlines, in stores all over the place. you know, we can t yell at covid, so we yell at these people who are trying to help us, and it s not just the covid restrictions, it s frustrations over, as you say, not being able to get what you want, over getting it too slowly, over hearing that there are supply chain issues and people have just lost it. i think there s a lot of pent up frustration, rage, fear, fatigue and anger out there.