and has asked local television stations for all of the video shot while covering this story. and the police investigation and a grand jury investigation. now, hours before the little girl was reported missing, late last night . (inaudible) trace: thank you. (inaudible) trace: steve brown, like for us in chicago. we are covering breaking thursday in studio b, the alleged plot, attack, against two u.s. embassies as well as saudi arabia s ambassador to the united states, and, now, coming in, iran s mission to the u.n. says categorically iran rejects baseless allegations on assassination not in the united states. one of the suspects is about to appear a new york courtroom. we will bring you that. i couldn t concei this as a heart attack.
building a grassroots effort and that would be sarah palin. oh, oh no. just wait. just wait. we go through this every day. no, no, no, no, no. when we come back, are we teaching our kids about our framers, our founders enough in school? we ll talk about that and much more coming up straight ahead. i couldn t concei this as a heart attack. the doctor leaned over and said to me, you just beat the widow-maker. i was put on an aspirin, and it s part of my regimen now. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go see your doctor now.
the oil companies, they are getting mad at obama, at the democrats for misappropriating funds. where do i get a hat like that? i can get you one. sean: more with the panel coming up after the break. i couldn t concei this as a heart attack. the doctor leaned over and said to me, you just beat the widow-maker. i was put on an aspirin, and it s part of my regimen now. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go see your doctor now.
and the political opposition overwhelms the union. greta: in terms of the book if you had one thing, if you could change one thing in terms of fixing this problem, what would it be? i would introduce, as a general matter a work ethic of performance into the most important profession in our country. as opposed to protection. which is what we have now. you are protected. you are in this job on that side of the building, you are in that job as long as you breathe. on this side of the building in this classroom, you are in this job as long as you are producing effective learning experience for the children. greta: straight ahead, watch out injuries shore, tv talk show giving a new meaning to fist pumping. warren buffet has been doling out advice. now rush limbaugh has advice for him. i couldn t concei this as a heart attack.
all the best to both of you. thank you for being here. thanks so much. the federal emergency management team tries to learn from each disaster it handles. it sent camera crews into ground zero in the days after 9/11. the video was just released last week and we will take you through it, just ahead. also, preparing for a rush of casualties that never came in on 9/11. our next guest remembers working at a hospital, ready to aid the emergency responders who went into the twin towers but never came out. her powerful story from that day, upcoming. it was a war zone. this is all of the trade towers left on the ground. i couldn t concei this as a heart attack.