Sedona Red Rock News
Photo courtesy of Inspiration at Cottonwood
The Inspirati on at Cott onwood apartment complex will feature 192 units for lease, ranging from 694-square-foot one-bedroom apartments to 1,181-square-foot three-bedrooms, with the most common size being two-bedroom units. The 9-acre complex near Candy Lane will open in 2022.
In April 2018, the Cottonwood City Council unanimously approved a plan to rezone 9.01 acres of land on State Route 89A, near Candy Lane, from Commercial and Industrial to Planned Area Development, allowing for the construction of a new housing development called Inspiration at Cottonwood.
Three years later, construction on Inspira-tion is expected to begin in June, after the developer, Bob Porter, of Sedona, successfully resubmitted his plan. COVID, as well as issues figuring out some construction loans, led to delays on the project, but Porter is looking forward to beginning construction in the near future, with the hope of t