white house is facing some troubling headlines the past 24 hours. news week and cnn and the washington post all raising concerns for democrats about the upcoming election on november 8th, even the new york times publishing two separate articles. the other on the president s verbal fumbles. well, that s probably a really long article. last night during his campaign stop in florida, here is a bit you know we are dealing with with inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of the war in iraq and impact on oil which russia is doing. it is going to be a war in ukraine. iraq because that s where my son died. okay, how much does it cost to make that insulin jug for diabetes? and, i don t have a greater friend in the united states senate and i don t have a greater friend when i was vice president or nor as president. debbie, i don t know where you are sitting. oh my goodness! oh, kayleigh. i mean the gas were outrageous. at one point he talked about hbu and he tal
In our collection of Top Stories for the Week of Oct. 22: Okoboji community rallies around Joe Salmon, Sioux City Jim McKenzie the Costume Man, Sioux City West Coach Brandon
he was almost, and i don t mean in a derogatory way at all because i loved working with stanley, he was very calm to work with, he never raised his voice, i found him very supportive to work with, but he was a little anal in terms for his eye for detail. if stanley had been an octopus, each arm would have been, his wardrobe man, makeup man, costume man, set. but aren t all the great ones like that? absolutely. they have an eye for the sets, it s all for one to them. i arrived and he didn t like my shoes, the shoes were wrong so we didn t shoot. so you re doing the film with predinger, what were you chuting at the time of the phone call? i may have been shooting the star trek pilot, where no man has gone before. what was it like working back then? you have stories of predinger. it was like going from the frying pan to heaven. because all the rumors you have