credit down graded. a lot of folks are saying something like that in this environment could happen. how would the markets react to that? well, three words come to mind. it s the cost of capital. if it sky rockets from here, which it has the last 1 1/2 years, it would not be good news. i believe the economy is pretty fragile right here. numbers are not bad. i m amazed the markets have held up with the crash in the regional banks. but from here, a fordability for houses, forget about it. the borrowing costs would be off the charts for consumer and business and leave no doubt, it would put a crimp in the economy and the markets would be unhappy, too. neil: what would the markets dough i believe it was michelle bowman. she said she would support further rate increases.
the cost of capital. it makes the industry more expensive to main street and puts pressures on businesses and the consumers. and could make banks rethink if they want to lend money reporter: exactly. we ll going to the university of las vegas where president biden has been discussing his plan to lower prescription drug costs. he s saying the republican party is not your grandfather s republican party anymore. maga republicans put that at risk nearly 40 million americans would be in danger of losing coverage completely. we re making health care more affordable last year i proposed the inflation reduction act which i could [ applause ] we got a lot of things done