How Nick Russell’s snowboarding career has taken him to unlikely places.
The Curious Case Of Nick Russell Story by Ben Gavelda
There’s more beneath all the fur. A carefully and calculated mind bent on riding, a thoughtful and compassionate soul, a student of the mountains. Turning riding into a career has taken decades, and it hasn’t been easy. But snowboarder Nick Russell has ridden far more because of it, he’s become wiser, stronger and well-travelled in the process. After finally gaining much-deserved support and recognition in recent years including being a member of the
Smartwool athlete squad, it’s all falling into place for him. After all, not many snowboarders turn “pro” in their thirties. He might not be a household name, but for those who’ve been following his feats, he’s been a fountain of inspiration, dreaming big and broadening the view for the rest of us. He’s ridden arguably the earliest concept of a snowboard in Turkey with Alex Yoder, so