steve kornacki, there is no requirement couldn t we be at this stage for an indefinite period? there s no requirement that those articles have to go to the next chamber, correct? that s right. so this could be a stalemate that just sits there and becomes part of the background noise. there s a scenario where they do go in some form. one of the things to keep in mind you mentioned the idea of vulnerable senators. susan collins of maine, cory gardener of colorado. remember they re also vulnerable in republican primaries, and the filing deadlines in some of these states have not passed. if they were to cast a critical vote that went against trump on some major impeachment measure in the senate, those challenges would gain traction really fast. so someone like susan collins, cory guardner, tom tillis,
so the question is really who can keep together their conferences for the longest amount of time. right now the republicans showing a little more signs of fracturing than the democrats. cory guardner up fo nerguard re-election in colorado. and the author of the shutdown, newt gingrich, telling usa today you either design a deal that gets you democrats or you don t. if you are trying to attract people with suing are are a, yo rob portman about the leverage that the president thinks he has by shutting down government. i never believe that shutting down government provided leverage. one, i think it is a bad idea. the taxpayer ends up losing. families of workers end up losing. the economy gets hit. so it really didnoesn t make se. and we have a scroll impacts shutdown, some of the things portman is talking about, some of the things that he hears from
better job at handling the negotiations, donald trump 35%, speaker pelosi, 47%. there is probably a reason why nancy pelosi keeps emerging on top because behind the scenes she does know how to negotiate. that s right. she has a lot more experience in this arena than the president does, obviously there was a reason why people described her as the most seasoned leader and she is showing that she knows exactly what she is doing as she tries to navigate the shutdown negotiations. and when you talk about fracturing on either side of the aisle, you do have some frustration among democrats, some refusal to negotiate whatsoever while the government is shutdown. but you haven t seen any defactions. pelosi has been able to keep together a die veers democratic congress. and you are starting to see more fracturing on the xwop side for example senator cory guardner saying that he will vote for the pelosi proposal in the senate that would reopen the government without funding the wall.
him. let s say he says i can t win if i vote against it. that would be one of the three. let s say they lose rand paul. a lot of people say there are no changes could make rand paul, as close to libertarian as there are. that would be one, that would be two. so that opens it up. could it be susan collins, lisa murkowski, a wild card. could a flake from arizona, cory guardner from colorado, one vote could sink it. that s one thing to keep an eye on. and the politics of this. if republican dozen succeed in passing this, if they succeed in implementing it, take a look at this. the history of how parties take a price for touching health care. three times in the last 20