Homegrown brings groovy drone, dad s chrome and leather, tributes to Leroy
The second day of Homegrown Music Festival included live-streamed tunes from 2104, poetry and vids from the festival s YouTube channel. Written By: Christa Lawler | ×
Kristi Marie and Charlie Parr played a show live-streamed from 2104, a Homegrown Music Festival adjacent show. (Screen grab from 2104 feed)
In a more traditional Homegrown Music Festival year, a human high on hugs and a lack of snowbanks might trip her way into Teatro Zuccone’s black box, for instance, and see something like this:
Kristy Marie and Charlie Parr sitting on the floor the former pumping her harmonium and swaying, the latter barefoot, synching up with her on guitar and together creating a trippy, trance-inducing drone.