Corruption in Bangladesh: Over the years, we have observed a disheartening trend where specific business entities and individuals, responsible for causing considerable harm to our economy, continue to enjoy official favour. We have seen how certain officials and politically influential figures, including public representatives, exploit their connections and take advantage of
Bangladesh ranked 10th most corrupt country : A predictable chain of reactions follows every year after the Transparency International releases its annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). Bangladesh's invariable placement near the bottom of the index always leads to official denunciations calling it baseless or motivated, sometimes by multiple ministers.
If Bangladesh is to succeed in corruption control given its performance in CPI 2023, impunity must be challenged and the powerful must be brought to justice.
Corruption in Bangladesh : Since Bangladesh's admission in the index in 2001, it has consistently scored low in terms of transparency and ranked high among the most corrupt countries in the world