a justice department spokesperson says, quote, the decision is unfounded and the court had no basis to issue such an order. no party in the case challenged the constitutionality of the immigration executive action and the department s filing made it clear that the executive actions did not apply to the criminal matter before the court. schwab added that although presidents do enjoy prosecutorial discretion on a case-by-case basis, president obama s sweeping pronouncement involving entire classes of persons in the u.s. illegally went in schwab s opinion far beyond what is legally permissible. bret? we re following it, shannon, thank you. now to another huge story, less than 14 hours after a lone wolf terrorist s hostage siege ended in sidney, australia, taliban gunmen broke into a school in pakistan, delivering one of the deadliest attacks in this country in years.
as embattled toronto mayor rob ford runs for re-election signs are popping up all over the city reminding canadians of the mayor s use of crack, abuse of alcohol and public outbursts. signs from the ad campaign anyone s better than rob ford featured dishevelled fake candidates and tag lines like if elected i promise i will just get publicly drunk. when i urinate in public i never get caught on cameras, and he promises to just smoke pot as mayor, not crack. ford claims his personal life has not interfered with his work as mayor. in tonight s regulation nation report whatever happened to the most transparent administration in history? correspondent shannon breen tells us this white house is failing to follow the rules about reporting the rules. transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.
having their spinal cords snipped. planned parenthood of southeastern pennsylvania is quoted saying gosnell committed, quote, criminal horrendous acts and should be appropriately punished. gosnell s patients showed up and complained about what they had seen. steinberg never indicated that her employees ever reported anything but we encouraged them to report it to the department of health. prosecutors found that the health department had not inspected gosnell s clinic in 17 years even after the death of two patients. closing arguments will begin monday. reporter: today the white house says that president obama has canceled plans to speak in washington on thursday night. he will speak to the organization s supporters at a smaller event friday morning. bret. shannon, thank you. a priest who has spoken out at
rights complaints in arizona. and now it s governor brewer turn. she s here on the record to tell you why it son over yet. and john mccain is here to go on the record about immigration in his state. and the next big ruling, healthcare. that happens thursday. all that coming up. and for starters, the facts. you need to know exactly what the supreme court decided. and you will because fox news supreme court correspondent shannon breen is here and no one knows it better than shannon. all right. you were at the supreme court today. tell me what the decision means. well, basically overall they are striking down three of the provisions in play. and those three provision that is federal law perempts what the state was trying to do. they agreed on upholding one portion which this is the part that allows the police if they stop someone for a local or state infraction and have reasonable suspicion to believe they are here illegally to inquire into their status.
little bit. they were prepared it seems because this policy happened very quickly after the ruling. shannon, thank you. you will be busy thursday. ah-ha. the supreme court making its decision just hours ago and already the fight has been escalated. how bad? well, for starters gov. jan brewer accusing president obama of abandoning arizona. governor brewer joins us. good evening, governor. good evening. governor, no sooner had you heard the news that there was a ruling and you her the agreement has been cut off. tell me your thoughts. well, i was shocked. i was outraged. i thought, you know, this is politics at its best. here we just received a unanimous vote from the highest court in the land upholding the heart of senate bill 1070 and then three hours later we got