claims that something bad happened and of course he pp didn t. he s notf a party man. never a party man. remember, he switched parties five or six times over the he years. he has no loyalty to the republicanya party. he demands loyalty from the republican party. it doesn t matter that there s a special electionat coming up in georgia. he wants i to change the conversation to his own race and what happens next. i think it s worth noting, peter, as we talk about trump s potential ouster from the republican party whichst may no come tore pass, right, the reas they re not evenhe debating thi has nothing to do with principle but winning. trump did not single-handedly inject the strains of imtolerance, racism, nativism, belligerence, and a durable sympathy for anti-democratic behavior into the republican
big mistake. he blew the midterms and now everybody despises him. and now that guy, that guy, donald trump is back announcing as the apparent front-runner for his party in yet another presidential election. joining us now is the new york times chief correspondent peter bake,s he s also the co-all authorize of the divider: trump in the white house 2017 to 2021. peter, thanks for being here on this nightin as we talk about donald trump and the role in his party. iis sometimes wonder if donald trump wasn t announcing tonight well, let me start over again, because donald trump is announcing tonight and because for allnn intents and purposes he is the front-runner, he s still effectively the head of the ffparty, do you think th changes the sort of wagon circling we ref seeing right n inside the gop, where there s even a debate as to whether trump should bee the head of t party? well, he would certainly like