calling for action against the president or action to protect the special counsel or action to, for example, delay the kavanaugh hearings which is what democrats are now demanding or some democrats, i should say, are now demanding. kasie, good to see you as always, kasie hunt on capitol hill. stay right here, in just a few moments andrea mitchellel will speak live to senator kamala harris, a member of the judiciary committee. today he s building his own portfolio brands. find out how he does it when we follow him for a day on your business, sunday morning 7:30 eastern on msnbc. sponsored by the powerful backing of american express. and american express has your back every step of the way-
defense, really, calling it a witch hunt, saying this is politically motivated, that all of this is nonsense. of course the courts will have to determine that. for now, the house may be lucky that they are still in august recess, so we haven t had a chance to ask in the hallways, many of his direct colleagues in the house of representatives here. but paul ryan has stripped him of his important committee chairmanships as this winds its way through the courts. kasie, you ve had a chance to talk to some people around there about their reaction to manafort and cohen. we re not seeing any real full-throated criticism from republicans, particularly about the allegation that donald trump was involved in directing michael cohen to pay stormy daniels and karen mcdougal. there are a couple of republicans who have expressed greater dissatisfaction than typical. here s how i would characterize it, ali. you re right, the senate is in session today so we ve been able to talk to senators about th
with regard to my affiliation with innate. throughout my tenure in congress i have followed all rules and all ethical guidelines when it comes to my personal investments including those with innate. prosecutors say just after he found out a clinical trial on an important drug failed he frantically called his son, and video at the white house at that time does show him on his cell. collins is free on a half million dollars bond and says he ll continue to campaign for reelection. joining me now nbc capitol hill correspondent kasie hunt. democrats are keysiseizing on i. where was it before this, and is it likely it s changed significantly since what happened yesterday? well, we ll have to see, chris. this is an incredibly republican district. it s not one where we would have expected a democrat to be able
for president is out on bail. he has pleaded not guilty and he has ses not stepping aside. the charges that have been levied against me are meritless and i will mount a vigorous defense in court to clear my name. i look forward to being fully vindicated and exonerated ending any and all questions relating to my affiliation with let s go to nbc news capitol hill correspondent kasie hunt. what s been the strategy? reporter: well, they ve been trying to be out front casting this as a culture of corruption under the trump administration, the president as you know well campaigned on draining the swamp and their argument is well actually, it s really just the opposite on a conference call this morning, congresswoman sherry gustos a former jornlist herself mimicked an editorial meeting at any one of the news
organizations, should we lead with wilbur ross or scott pruitt, which person set of problems should we focus on first to try to underscore this is something we ve seen that runs ram pant through the administration, the list of trump associates and trump in this case chris collins, this is an unrelated to anything to do with the trump campaign but he was of course the president s first supporter in congress. so that list is remarkably long. that s not to say democrats haven t had their own challenges with their own members facing criminal charges or questions about corruption including senator bob menendez. but clearly this is something we re seeing at a relatively high scale here in the trump administration, hallie. and nbc s kasie hunt. thank you. let me back in dan goldman and carol lee and dann, let me start with you. congressman collins says he s innocent and believes he ll have the charges against him cleared. does he have a case based on