God save the United States and this honorable court. This morning we will hear argument in case 19177 the United States agency for International Development versus the alliance for open society international. I note at the outset that Justice Kagen is recused in this case. Mr. Michelle . Justice, may it please20 years ago, the hiv aids the court. Pandemic was devastating the world. In response, president bush proposed since reauthorized three times, the act has committed nearly 80 billion to global aids relief. It has worked. The funding condition at issue here requires recipients to have a policy opposing prostitution and sex trafficking, which Congress Found are coercive practices that spread hivaids. This court held that a flight that condition to respondents, domestic entities violates the unconstitutional conditions doctrine but respondents sought more and the question is whether the condition can still be applied to foreign grant recipients operating abroad. It can, for two reaso
Honorable, the chief justice and the associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. All persons having business before the honorable, the Supreme Court of the United States are admonished to give their attention with the court is now sitting with the United States and this honorable court. This morning we will hear argument in case 19177, the United States agency for International Development versus the alliance for open Society International. I know at the outset that Justice Kagan is recused in this case. Mr. Michelle. Mr. Chief Justice Manny please the court, 20 years ago the hivaids pandemic was devastating the world in response president bush proposed that congress adopted leadership act, since reactor rice three times theyve committed 80 billion to global aids relief, it is worth saving more than 17 million lives in the most successful American Foreign aid efforts since the marshall plan. The funding can issue requires recipients travel policy prostitution and sex
Justice kagan is recused in this case. Mr. Michelle . Mr. Chief justice and may it please the court. 20 years ago the hivaids pandemic was devastating the world. In response, president bush proposed and congress adopted the leadership act, since reauthorized three times the act has committed nearly 80 million to global aids relief and it has worked, saving more than 17 million lives in the most successful foreign aid effort from america since the marshall plan. The issue at here requires recipients to have a policy of opposing prostitution and sex trafficking, which Congress Found our coercive practices that spread hivaids and degrade women and girls. This court held that applying that condition to respondents violates the constitutional conditions doctrine, but respondents sought more. The question is whether the condition can still be applied to foreign grant recipients operating abroad. It can for two straightforward reasons. They cannot bring in unconstitutional conditions claim, a
The chief justice and the associate justices of the supreme court. I note at the outset that Justice Kagan is recused in this case. Mr. Michelle . Hiv aidsrs ago, the pandemic was devastating the world. In response, president bush reauthorizedince three times, the act has committed nearly 80 billion to global aids relief. It has worked. Funding condition at issue to haveuires recipients a policy opposing prostitution and sex trafficking, which Congress Found are coercive practices that spread hivaids. A flightt held that that condition to respondents, domestic entities violates the unconstitutional conditions doctrine but respondents sought more and the question is whether the condition can still be applied to foreign grant recipients operating abroad. It can, for two reasons. Foreign entities lack Constitutional Rights, so they cannot ring constitutional conditions claim. Neither can respondents, because they are not subject to the funding condition. Next to their victory in this cour
Crude carnage im joined by my guess was me in beirut hes a professor of economics and International Affairs in irvine we have pai and he is an independent economic and political analyst as well as a former commodities trader and in toronto we Cross Alexandre Bruno he is an analyst at gulf state analytics sorry gentlemen crosslike rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate pilot may go to you 1st in irvine because you got up early as for this program here all right it all happened quite quickly and a lot of analysts werent too surprised by the deal that the russians and the saudis had collapsed. The russians didnt go along with what the saudis wanted to do and the saudis reacted and now we have carnage on the oil markets here what is saudi arabias gambit here because you know in the if you look at its budgetary constraints it can afford to have low oil for a very long time and we throw in the coronavirus that is also hurting crude demand all acro