Although the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has not yet adopted the highly-anticipated final rules on climate change disclosure, in the second quarter of 2023 the SEC.
On June 1, 2023, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held in a split en banc decision that forum-selection clauses requiring shareholders to file derivative claims in the.
A summary of the proposed amendments to the Delaware General Corporation Law (DGCL), which cover a wide range of topics, including conversions, appraisal rights, stockholder notice, ratification of defective corporate acts, and issuance of stock.
Providing legal advice to business entities raises important issues regarding the application of attorney-client privilege between the entity and its directors. Delaware's.
Delaware Court of Chancery held corporate officers owe duty of oversight to corporation. Prior it was unclear if claims for breach of fiduciary duty of loyalty based on lack of oversight applied to corporate officers of Delaware corporations.