Mar 12, 2021
NewsRadio WHAM 1180 Reporting - The independent investigator appointed by the Rochester City Council has concluded that the principal reason the city government suppressed information about the death of Daniel Prude for more than four months was to cover it up.
The report says then-Police Chief La Ron Singletary s disclosures to the city s Corporation Counsel and the Communications Director deemphasized the role of police restraints in Prude s death, and did not capture the disturbing tenor of the encounter.
The report says those characterizations likely impacted how the City officials viewed what had occurred.
It says Corporation Counsel Tim Curtin discouraged Mayor Warren from going public, citing reasons that were factually incorrect or without a legal basis.
An investigation into the official response to Daniel Prude’s police suffocation death last year in Rochester, N.Y., is faulting the city’s mayor and former police chief for keeping critical details of the case secret for months and lying to the public about what they knew.
A report released Friday faults the city’s mayor and former police chief for lying to the public about what they knew of Daniel Prude's suffocation death while in custody.
Rochester city mayor LIED to the public over what she knew about the death of unarmed black man Daniel Prude who was put in a spit-hood by cops when he had a breakdown
An independant investigation into the suffocation of unarmed black man Daniel Prude, 41, has found officials hid details about his death
The father-of-five died in March after being restrained with a spit-hood over his head and officers pressing on his back during a mental health emergency
Police initially described his death as a drug overdose
A report was commissioned by Rochester s city council after shocking bodycam footage showed the officers using physical restraint on a naked Prude