AB "Klaipedos nafta" (hereinafter - the Company) informs that the Court of Appeal of Lithuania issued a decision in a civil case No. e2A-803-912/2022 which annulled a decision of 8 April 2022 of Šiauliai
KN (Klaipedos Nafta AB), the operator of oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, and the companies of the largest Polish oil group ORLEN, ORLEN Neptun I and Energa Wytwarzanie, signed a letter of
AB Klaipedos nafta (hereinafter - the Company) informs that on 05-11-2022 Šiauliai Regional Court has accepted an appeal of the prosecutor of the Klaipeda Regional Prosecutor's Office against the court's
AB "Klaipedos nafta" (hereinafter - the Company) informs that today Šiauliai Regional Court issued a decision in a civil case No. e2-220-883/2022 dismissing a civil claim of the prosecutor of the Klaipeda