The sudden passing of a business partner can be a devastating and tumultuous event, disrupting operations and leaving stakeholders uncertain about the future.
On March 18, 2024 the SEC announced that it had settled charges in separate actions against two investment advisers, Delphia (USA) Inc. and Global Predictions, Inc. for making false or misleading statements regarding their use of AI.
The SEC's new rules imposing a T + 1 settlement cycle for most securities transactions take effect on May 28, 2024. The previous default settlement cycle had been T + 2.
In a landmark case, a jury has found a biotech executive guilty of insider trading for betting on a competitor's stock, leveraging confidential information from his own company.
A federal jury in California agreed with the SEC that a corporate official engaged in insider trading when he purchased securities of a company based on material nonpublic information ("MNPI") about a different company.