In 2017, a Montreal police intervention at a home in the West Island quickly escalated to a physical struggle with a 28-year-old man, who died a few hours later. On Friday, a Quebec coroner released his report on that altercation.
The coroner's inquiry into the deaths of 11-year-old Norah and six-year-old Romy Carpentier, who were abducted and killed by their father near Quebec City, resumed Tuesday.
After yet another coroner's report into the police shooting death of a Black man in the midst of a mental health crisis, many people are asking how police will respond from now on to the 1,000 calls they get weekly about someone in mental distress.
Next year, the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) will launch a mandatory training program to help its police officers intervene more effectively when dealing with a person suffering from psychological distress.