The famous goat-sucking cryptid known as the Chupacabra can trace its roots to Puerto Rico, where tales of the blood-drinking creature began around 1995, but is rarely seen or reported today. While the cyrtid is implicated often when dead livestock are found, it’s most prominent in North America, where it’s said to look more like
Called to serve over four decades: a conversation with Jean Seigle
You are here April 7, 2021 As soon as I learned about the Peace Corps, I knew I was going to apply, and I m so glad I did. It just fit.
Peace Corps Mexico staff asked former Country Director Jean Seigle to share her words of wisdom about her four-plus decades of service with the Peace Corps, and her message for staff and returned and prospective Volunteers, just prior to her retirement, and PC’s 60th anniversary.
Natalia Azzarello: Thank you so much Jean for agreeing to this. What motivated you to join Peace Corps?