We refer to Member Circular 10/2021 regarding the amendments to the Rules for 2022. This circular aims to provide additional information on a special extension of cover for communicable disease/coronavirus risks to fixed premium P&I Members and Small Craft customers. Fixed premium P&I covers reinsured outside the International Group’s Pooling Agreement – special extension of .
The following amendments to the Rules for P&I and Defence cover for ships and other floating structures (“Rules for Ships”) and the Rules for P&I and Defence cover for mobile offshore units (“Rules for MOUs”) for both Assuranceforeningen Gard – gjensidig – and Gard P.& I. (Bermuda) Ltd (collectively the “Associations” and individually the “Association”) .
The following amendments to the Rules for P&I and Defence cover for ships and other floating structures (“Rules for Ships”) and the Rules for P&I and Defence cover for mobile offshore units (“Rules for MOUs”) for both Assuranceforeningen Gard – gjensidig – and Gard P.& I. (Bermuda) Ltd. (collectively the “Associations” and individually the “Association”) have been endorsed by the Boards of Directors of the Associations and will enter into force at noon GMT on 20 February 2021.
New premium policy – introduction of an Owners’ General Discount
As announced in Circular No. 12/2020, the Boards of Directors of the Associations decided earlier this year to change the Associations’ premium policy and to introduce an Owners’ General Discount with effect for the policy year commencing on 20 February 2021. The new call structure and terminology necessitated amendments to the Rules for Ships. The changes required are set out in more