sun. now i do not want you, anyone, please, to go out and look at the sun. this dot, spot, black area, is not there to the visible eye. it s not there to the visible spectrum. you have to have a special telescope looking at special wavelengths. what typically happens is the nag n magnetic field flies out of the sun and is recaptured here. this large black dot, coroanal hole, is an area where magnetism flows away from the sun and doesn t get captured back down. it was discovered about three or four weeks ago. a large black hole has rotated around the other side. another coronal hole is there. this is a cool spot on the sun, kind of cool to look at. go to and see these all the time on the left side of the screen. coronal homes, some of this wind, some of this coronal wind, almost mass ejection comes at us, could approach the atmosphere of the earth in a couple of days. that could affect maybe some radio frequencies and things.