involved in that deadly incident back in 91, they tried to get this whale freed up in iceland. they couldn t because the whale trainers and determined this whale would die. if you let him free. he s been in captivity so long it would simply die. it does not have the resources to hunt on its own anymore. that s why seaworld kept this animal in captivity. megyn: it s a sad situation no matter how you look at it. that was incredible new tape. i had not seen that. major political news out of new york state. just days after vowing to run for reelection and win, we are getting word of a stung announcement from governor paterson. one of the top talkers in sports radio silenced. a personal foul or a fashion faux pas. on a typically very tight
he is leading an investigation into the allegations this domestic abuse case. rick lazio who ran against hillary clinton for senate back in 2000. he says this shows albany is the corruption capital of the united states. he says paterson doesn t have the foggiest idea how to get things done and fix the state. he says the voters have lost faith with some of our elected leaders. this he says is a prime example why. megyn: do you think you would get in trouble with human resources if you said something awful about one of your co-workers in if you made a comment on your anchor friend s outfit? or something about stuffing a sausage into a sweater? something like that? do you think you might?
espn people i point out, people who say that they lost 50 or 60 pound have actually gained all the weight back. i m not speeled to do anything like that so i won t. but hannah storm today megyn: you don t make fun of chris berman if you work at espn. espn has not been void of sex scandals. he has to understand he s underneath that climate. people are looking at what men say at that network. he knows that that s the environment under which he s making these comments. that s why he got in trouble. the finally the smartest thing you have said, mark, that s why. everything that happened before, they threw the little kornheiser under the bus. that wasn t smart. megyn: he did wind up apologizing and called himself a
real doctors, real patients, real hospitals. that s what will happen if it ever does happen. probably you re right, the 500 billion will never happen. megyn: if it does you re going to have real upset seniors. they are starting this conference at sea world, which we want to go to now. and all those closest to her, i d like to begin by announcing we are in the process the dawn brancheau memorial foundation, a trust to support the causes she was so passionate about, we will give you details on this trust after today s event. i ll speak briefly today, providing details of our preliminary findings of wednesday s incident and the immediate alterations we ve made to the protocol that guide interaction with tilikum. in light of the speculation we ve seen in the press coverage over the past two days it s important that i again stress we provide the highest standard of care and no animal is ever subject to punishment in any form. tilikum is no exception. i ll also address the review
regulate abuses of the insurance industry, something republicans said we should do, now all of the sudden that s not good enough for the republicans. if you look at the position republicans were taking six months ago, a lot of that stuff is in the bill the white house is willing to support and the republicans look like they just simply want to play politics by stopping anything and thereby stopping president obama from getting any credit whatsoever for reform. megyn: andrea, what of what some believe was the disrespect of john mccain, that s what i m wondering. where was that coming from, what do you think that was about? i don t think there was any disrespect. obama brought the republicans there to talk and john mccain was talking. i thought it was a bad tone that obama would sound so snarky and for him to lecture mccain about the campaign being over, this was a president who never stopped campaigning, he kicked off the reelection when he gave the state of the union, and democrats s