how can you be sure that another murder like that of jamal kashoggi won t happen again? how can i possibly be sure of any of that. the president is overseas, several senators are looking at the southern borders, including a pair of little girls found traveling alone and we will have that for you. in coming up next, the big apple being called rotten at the corner after an odor, a lot of odor complaints reached an all-time high and we begin with president joe biden. we have the details tonight. good evening. president joe biden insists that he did bring up the murder. hydrated, making it clear what i thought of it at the time, and what i think of it now, i said it very straightforwardly, inconsistent with who we are and who i am. however president joe biden said that the president of saudi arabia did not take responsibility at all for the death of jamal khashoggi. and president joe biden greeted the crown prince with a fist bump. including national security adviso
. welcome to the weekly here on our t international. my name is peter scott with some of the top stories from the we just gone. and we start off with the latest on the war in ukraine. the city of several vignettes is now under the full control of the guns. republics armed forces after ukrainian troops were ordered to withdraw. that includes the assaults, chemical plants where a key of soldiers had been dug in hundreds of civilians that were trapped in the area. and now been evacuated to safety zones. the announcement comes amid reports that russian lead forces have entered the city of missy chance commit intense fighting. as you can see here on this map with guns forces have blocked the ukranian army from the north. while the latest advances of russian troops have taken the southern front, as ukrainian troops withdraw, eager done towards the fortifications they left in the area with the special forces of the russian army, we are right now moving towards the positions quite re
joining us now are former special counsel to the general counsel department of defense ryan goodman and rebecca roissy. thank you both for being here on what we said was definitely no shortage of news this morning. i wonder what s your reaction to this first filing that we got from trump s legal team today. it took two weeks for them to get there. and they are now asking for this third party attorney. but i think, we re wondering, if it s too late? it does seem too late. it s two weeks after the search began. so you d actually think it should be filed hours after the search began. and it s a reasonable request in some sense to ask for something like this from a third party. why is it reasonable? it s reasonable, because we might think we don t necessarily trust the way the fbi would conduct it. we want an objective third party institution to view things to sort out what they should have versus what they shouldn t. but the content is as quite bizarre. what they re saying
presidential ballot, calling himself the front runner and embrace for the white house in 2024. brooke singman with the latest, brooke. hey, good morning, president trump and his legal tn independent review and seized by the fbi during this unprecedented rate of mar-a-lago. trump saying we are demanding an appointment to oversee the handling of the materials taken in the raid. we are further demanding the doj be forced to turn over inventory of my property and all items wrongfully taken from my home be immediately returned. trump attorneys argue any of the review of those records would be unconstitutional. listen. we need an impartial and that means not republican, not democratic, impartial special master to go in there and take a look what they see, get back to the former president what is rightfully his. and declassified. a new report also revealing trump had more than 300 classified documents seized at his estate. the doj responding to trump motion, the august date mo
responsible for huge online communities traded nonconsensual sexual images of more than 100 women. hundreds of supporters of gathered outside his home in pakistan threatening to take over the capital if police tried to arrest him. former pakistani prime minister is accused of making threats against state officials. he is accused the authorities of detaining and torturing a close colleague. tensions are increasing with imran khan supporters. more events have been taking place today to remember michael collins, the politician and ira leader, who was killed this day 100 years ago. good afternoon. criminal barristers in england and wales have voted for an all out strike next month joining a wave of industrial action as workers seek pay rises to keep up with high inflation. some barristers say they earn less than the minumum wage the government claims strike action will simply delay justice for victims of crime. railway workers, dockers, postal workers and refuse collectors