cuccinelli, cnn legal commentator and president of the senate conservatives fund and paul begala, cnn political commentator and democratic strategist. welcome to both of you. ken, i d love to start with you. i don t know if you know bob cork corker personally. i know his comments really created some ripples and you can understand how the white house would be so disgust and had wouldn t want to respond to that. but still it s my again, he s someone who was on the short list for state department. this is not someone who flies off the handle. those words meant something to him. what do you make of thousand white house how the white house is responding. what you called the nonresponse response is an accurate characterization and i think it was appropriate for the white house. when you watch bob corker say this, put yourself in the kitchen of the average tennesseen, this looks unbelievably elitist and
secretary of state including all republican living secretaries of state, support this treaty. it looks like there will be nine republican supporters, lugar, collins, snowe, voinovich, brown, isaacson and cork corker, alexander, brown and bennett. thank you for your time. thank you. the u.s. population is growing at the slowest rate. 9.7% over the past ten years and the population is shifting, too. away from the northeast and midwest to the south and the west. so this means seven states will gain house seats, arizona, florida, georgia, nevada, texas, utah and washington. all areas the republicans tend to do well in.
and send it back to the president. when it came up for a vote senator corker voted against it. next the president tweeted, cork corker dropped out of the campaign in tennessee when i refused to endorse him. unfortunately i think world leaders are very affair much aware of much of what he said is untrue. people hear because these thing are provably untrue, factually incorrect and people know the difference. i don t know why he lowers himself to such a low low standard and debase this country in a way that he does, but he does. the white house would now have you believe the president s tweets are a great way to communicate with the people.