Corey Hyden fed quarters into his dream of owning an arcade for five years before his neon lights and 1980s music ran into the boss fight of his life in
There's something new coming to Trinity Groves in West Dallas, and for once it's not a restaurant: It's Free Play, a popular local arcade chain,
There was a time long, long ago when the world didn t have a magical cloud that stores every file they own.
Data had to be stored on hard drives or something called a floppy disk, a form of hard copy storage in which small plastic discs, covered in magnetic material with concentric rings, held various files. People used them to organize their important tax records, shareware games and the romantic sci-fi novella they swore they d finish but never did. Way back in the mid 90s when I was 12 or 13, I was an AOL script kiddie, says Corey Hyden, the owner of the Free Play Arcade chain. You weren t a real hacker but you thought you were. You d type where every other letter was capital and go into the chat rooms and thought you were really cool. As part of that, they have these floppy disk trades and you would offer to trade some that had some kind of hacker software or tips and tricks for hacking.
The bill authorizes the release of $15 billion in grants to the Small Business Administration (SBA) to disburse the funds to eligible live venue operators or promotors, theatrical producers, live performing arts organization operators, museum operators, motion picture theatre operations or talent representatives, according to the bill s summary.
The money obtained through the SBA can be used for expenses such as payroll costs, rent, utilities and personal protective equipment.
The eligible part refers to guidelines the venues and businesses must meet in order to qualify for a grant of up to $10 million. The entity applying for the grant must have experienced a minimum loss of 90 percent of its revenue during the first two weeks of grant applications. The loss requirement drops to 70 percent following the two-week implementation period.