Efforts, providing recommendations to the Planning Commission, as well as the Redevelopment Agency and the board of supervisors. Its become particularly a problem in the Bayview Project area where were seeing many new projects and there is no one really to organize Community Forum where residents can provide their input. Now, while the Bayview Project Area Committee was not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, it still served an incredibly valuable purpose by providing neighborhoods a place where they could engage directly with city staff, developers, and other neighbors to ensure that the growth plan for our community met the vision met the vision that it had spent met the vision that many had spent nearly a decade on planning through the redevelopment process. Now, the ordinance that im introducing today were creating new Citizens Advisory Group that will are the ability to review any Development Project or rezoning effort and provide comment to the Planning Commission and or
Redevelopment process. Now, the ordinance that im introducing today were creating new Citizens Advisory Group that will are the ability to review any Development Project or rezoning effort and provide comment to the Planning Commission and or other relevant city departments as well as the board of supervisors. In an era where we no longer have this agency, we still need we still have a need to ensure that we are providing the communities that are going to experience development and growth a voice in shaping the future of their neighborhood. And madam clerk, mr. President , the rest i submit. Thank you,. Seeing no other names, that concludes row call on the roster. Why dont we go to general public comment. Madam clerk. Now is the time for the public to comment on general subject matter up to two minutes. If you would like to utilize the overhead projector please clearly state such. And speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify. Thank you.
Choose to remain in a costly Long Distance international relationship, to choose to live abroad in the foreign partners country so that they can be together. And if permitted, to seek a visa independent of the partnership for the partner and then go through very antiindicated and very cumbersome process to allow the person to remain in the country. ~ antiquated sometimes the couple have to choose to allow a foreignborn partner to return to remain, actually, in the country undocumented. And sometimes it has actually led to a termination of these relationships. We have to do better than that as a country. The limited Legal Options for samesecond partners to keep these relationships going exact an amount of tremendous amount of financial, emotional and mental toll. Quite frankly, its staggering when you think about the fact there are 40,000 it is estimated 40,000 lgbt american citizens that are in samesex Financial Relationships that are impacted by this discriminatory practice. Beyond th
Thank you, madam clerk. First, i want to echo president chius comments and welcome supervisor tang to her first Board Meeting and look forward to working with you. And i want to just thank my colleagues for a number of item that they have introduced and certainly supervisor wiener, like to cosponsor your resolution the bike sharing program. I think that is an important project that needs to move forward. And speaking of pilots, i do want to acknowledge the work of the mta, the free muni for youth coalition, and so many partners who attended the launch of the free muni for Youth Program which supervisor wiener, you might want to note that the mta held it at Everett Middle School in district 8. But it was great to see the number of young people who came and the level of involvement. And i also want to thank my colleagues who were present at the, at the launch. Supervisor avalos, supervisor kim, and supervisor yee, thank you for being there. The next item i have is a an ordinance that aut