Oregon high school students to award $550,000 to 81 nonprofits through the CommuniCare grantmaking program
Virtual grant award ceremony on KGW Channel 8 on June 17
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PORTLAND, Ore., June 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ The Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation today announced $550,000 in grants to 81 nonprofits and school programs throughout Oregon. These grants were made possible through CommuniCare, a year-long leadership program that gives Oregon high school students an opportunity to learn about issues affecting their communities to facilitate a deeper commitment to social activism.
Student Grant makers distributing checks to nonprofits at the 2019 Grant Award Ceremony.
Lillie S. and Violet W. at Grant High School celebrating the end of the year.
Oregon high school grad rates highest it s ever been
Barlow hits historic high for graduating seniors in pandemic year, others make gains
The class of 2020 had a sudden and unusual end to their K-12 school careers, but nonetheless, most of the big high schools in Multnomah County showed improvements in their 2020 graduation rates from a year earlier.
Both 2020 and 2021 graduation rates will be marked by asterisk in the books because of the abrupt end to the 2020 school year in March and the distance learning imposed for most of the 2020-21 school year.
Portland Public Schools
The biggest improvement in graduation rates at East Multnomah County high schools was recorded by Barlow High School, which boosted its rate more than six points from 83.4% in 2019 to 89.5% in 2020. The Bruins graduated at higher rates than students statewide or in Multnomah County.
East County grad rates up
Barlow hits historic high for graduating seniors in pandemic year, others make gains
The class of 2020 had a sudden and unusual end to their K-12 school careers, but nonetheless, most of the big high schools in East Multnomah County showed improvements in their 2020 graduation rates from a year earlier.
Both 2020 and 2021 graduation rates will be marked by asterisk in the books because of the abrupt end to the 2020 school year in March and the distance learning imposed for most of the 2020-21 school year.
The biggest improvement in graduation rates at East Multnomah County high schools was recorded by Barlow High School, which boosted its rate more than six points from 83.4% in 2019 to 89.5% in 2020. The Bruins graduated at higher rates than students statewide or in Multnomah County.