2021 May 9 15:34
EU COVID-19 Certificate is crucial to revive regional tourism but it must be non-discriminatory and respect high security standards
Regions and cities unanimously back the use of a common document to facilitate free movement in the EU during the pandemic and boost the tourism sector s recovery towards new sustainable models
The plenary of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) approved by unanimity a resolution promoted by all political groups which welcomes the European Commission s proposal to create a new Digital Green Certificate. However, regional and local leaders suggest that, for sake of clarity, the document should be renamed EU COVID-19 Certificate, as put forward by the European Parliament. They insist that it should not be a travel document and stress the principle of non-discrimination, in particular towards non-vaccinated persons. Moreover, during a debate on the tourism, hotel and catering sectors recovery, CoR members committed to turn th