As you can see by my signature, Dan, I m a linguist. On your podcast, you frequently ask researchers whatchyougot on all kinds of sex- and romance-related questions, I thought maybe you d be interested in some expertise on linguistic matters, too. And I have some on cum, cumming, and (shudder) cummed.
The technical term here used among linguists for this kind of phenomenon is peeve. Let me clarify, it s not the cum, cumming, and cummed that s a peeve but the shuddering. You see, the snide sound there is due to the fact that [what] causes peevers to shudder causes linguists to get interested. The point is language always changes, and linguists are interested in these changes however much they horrify normal people. (That s our technical term for non-linguists.) Grandparents are forever lamenting about how their grandchildren s generation is ruining the language. Documentation of this phenomenon goes back to the Roman times. And indeed generations upon generations of