you are under arrest. stop resisting. the gang members refuse to cooperate but the word is out on the street that the cops are after drop rock. it s all part of dankers strategy to convince woodrum his only safe house is the one the cops haven t visited yet, the home of his girlfriend. on patrol in hyde park, you never know what to expect in the wee hours of the morning. still, we are thinking that. get off the phone. why do you think it is okay to take your penis out of your pants on hyde park avenue? it s not right. i m sorry. it s not okay.
you are under arrest. stop resisting. the gang members refuse to cooperate but the word is out on the street that the cops are after drop rock. it s all part of dankers strategy to convince woodrum his only safe house is the one the cops haven t visited yet, the home of his girlfriend. on patrol in hyde park, you never know what to expect in the wee hours of the morning. still, we are thinking that. get off the phone. why do you think it is okay to take your penis out of your pants on hyde park avenue? it s not right. i m sorry.
killings and 46-year-old kim williams told investigators that her husband eric is the one who shot and killed all three of the victims. she did, however, confess her involvement in the scheme but we have no further details. she is being held on $10 million bond and murder charges we understand expected to be brought against her husband later this week, bill. we are also learning about some of the evidence police collected, is that right. yes. last week state and federal officials converged and executed multiple search warrants at the williams home, the home of their in-laws and at a storage unit they rented about 10 miles from the crime scene. a local news station here now reporting nearly 50 guns were found at that storage unit. also a crown critic tore i can t sedan spotted in the mcclelland neighborhood the morning of the murders. cops haven t said yet, bill, how all of this evidence ties these people together. casey stegall in dallas on the breaking news tonight there from t
me, ladies, i guess i break it down on to what they were actually reciting. if they were reciting a nursery rhyme, then i don t think we d be having this discussion. they were reciting the pledge of allegiance, which is our patriotic pledge to this country. and in fact, the immigration debate on capitol hill right now, one of the tenets of the senate s bipartisan commission is that immigrants coming to this country learn how to speak english. katie? we are supposed to be a melting pot, and that s why we have these diverse clubs on college campuses, diversity programs and organizations dedicated to that. but the fact is we ve seen the melting pot turn into singling people out into groups. in terms of this happening in the public school system, let s not forget the controversial la raza study program in tucson, arizona, that turned into segregation. we ve got to make sure this isn t about singling people out but rather coming together as americans.
first . it is friday. you have made it through the workweek. congratulations. it is time for the top 5@5:30. we begin with a fox news alert. it is a third day of the tense hostage negotiation in the state of alabama. a man holding a 5-year-old boy in an under ground bunker. cops haven t officially released the man s name yet but he is known to stay in the bunker for up to 8 days and he holds anti-american and anti government views. that little boy was snatched from a school bus on tuesday as the bus driver was shot and killed trying to prevent the man from taking children. the boy is being allowed to make medication and apparently watch tv. we will keep you posted on developments. a poched government sting operation. bureau of alcohol firearms and explosives using taxpayer