KEFI Gold and Copper Plc (LON:KEFI – Get Free Report)’s share price passed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 0.70 ($0.01) and traded as low as GBX 0.61 ($0.01). KEFI Gold and Copper shares last traded at GBX 0.65 ($0.01), with a […]
St. Augustine Gold and Copper Limited (TSE:SAU – Get Rating)’s share price traded up 20% during trading on Monday . The company traded as high as C$0.06 and last traded at C$0.06. 29,000 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 59% from the average session volume of 71,531 shares. The stock had previously […]
Australian Gold and Copper Limited (ASX:AGC – Get Rating) insider Glen Diemar purchased 200,000 shares of Australian Gold and Copper stock in a transaction on Monday, June 5th. The stock was bought at an average price of A$0.06 ($0.04) per share, for a total transaction of A$12,200.00 ($8,079.47). Australian Gold and Copper Price Performance Australian […]
Capstone Copper Corp. (TSE:CS – Get Rating) shares reached a new 52-week low on Tuesday . The stock traded as low as C$2.56 and last traded at C$2.58, with a volume of 251953 shares traded. The stock had previously closed at C$2.70. Several research analysts have weighed in on CS shares. National Bank Financial downgraded […]
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