e w twk. on fm ri, op wh ee dabits acsswwprtrayom this week we have revisited haiti, six months after a powerful earthquake left much of the capital in rubble. tents still house many of the 1.5 million people who lost their homes. but you may remember these images of hope, 54 orphans were plucked from the despair and put aboard a plane for a new life right here in the united states. we want to introduce you to one couple that opening their homes and heart. sam and die yath ane. they are in the process of adopting fredo. we are seeing how all of them are adjusting to their new lives. mom that s me right here.
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e w twk. on fm ri, op wh ee dabits acsswwprtrayom a man with terminal prostate cancer given three months to live makes an am maying recovery. turns out he could live ten years or longer. great news, right? not in this case, the guy convicted in the pan am flight 103 bombing over lockerbie,