Kementan Perkuat Pelatihan Pertanian via Daring IN share Kepala BPPSDMP Kementan, Dedi Nursyamsi mengingatkan bahwa sektor pertanian tetap kompetitif dan bertahan di masa pandemi Covid-19 - (Foto: BPPSDMP)
INILAHCOM, Jakarta - Pandemi Covid-19 bukan halangan bagi Kementerian Pertanian untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dan kompetensi SDM pertanian, khususnya Badan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan SDM Pertanian (BPPSDMP) dengan Penguatan Kegiatan Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian via daring (online) selama tiga hari, Rabu (30/6/2021) hingga Jumat (2/7/2021).
Menteri Pertanian Syahrul Yasin Limpo kerapkali mengingatkan bahwa di tengah pandemi Covid-19 saat ini, kegiatan sektor pertanian harus mampu akselerasi agar produktivitas tetap meningkat bagi kepentingan ketahanan pangan nasional dan kesejahteraan para petani.
New policy guidance outlines the benefits of Post-Fracture Care Coordination Programs
By 2025 some 500 million people will be living with osteoporosis, a chronic disease which weakens bones and leaves older adults at risk of a fragility fracture - a broken bone which typically occurs after a low-trauma fall. As a result, an estimated 13.5 million fragility fractures will occur worldwide.
Fragility fractures affect older adults, and with the emergence of hyper-aging societies in which over 25% of the population is aged above 65 years, the rapidly increasing fracture incidence will pose a growing burden to health care systems all over the world. Hip fractures, the most life-threatening and costly of osteoporosis-related fractures, are expected to increase by 310% in men and 240% in women by 2050 compared to rates in 1990.
IMAGE: The Capture the Fracture® Partnership - Guidance for Policy Shaping , with focus on the need for Post-Fracture Care Coordination Programs, focuses on the four simple building blocks of an effective. view more
Credit: International Osteoporosis Foundation
February 1, 2021 - Nyon, Switzerland
By 2025 some 500 million people will be living with osteoporosis, a chronic disease which weakens bones and leaves older adults at risk of a fragility fracture - a broken bone which typically occurs after a low-trauma fall. As a result, an estimated 13.5 million fragility fractures will occur worldwide.
Fragility fractures affect older adults, and with the emergence of hyper-ageing societies in which over 25% of the population is aged above 65 years, the rapidly increasing fracture incidence will pose a growing burden to health care systems all over the world. Hip fractures, the most life-threatening and costly of osteoporosis-related fractures, are expected to i