Fredrick Obura |
March 8th 2021 at 06:30:00 GMT +0300
NAIROBI, KENYA: The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Cooperative University of Kenya (CUK) have signed a grant agreement to finance the development of a digital platform to support agricultural cooperatives in the country.
The agreement stipulates a three-year grant, amounting to Sh88.6 million. Through the Kenya Rural Transformation Digital Platform project it will improve how agricultural cooperatives, also referred to as Rural Transformation Centers (RTC), access agricultural farm inputs, financing, production information, markets for their produce as well as information on rainfall and other related critical farm-level information.
The project will integrate smallholder farmers and other stakeholders along with the agriculture value chain by developing a digital platform (RTC Digital Platform) that will connect farmers with the private sector and public services.