Get our free mobile app Wanna WIN tickets to see Steve Trevino at Cooper s BBQ Live this Saturday night? We have details in this blog below! Read on to WIN your tickets!
Comedian Steve Trevino is coming back to the San Angelo area on Saturday night at Cooper’s BBQ Live in Christoval.
The Texas native has been touring around the country performing his stand up routine for nearly 25 years.
We got a chance to talk to Steve earlier this week and he shared with us some of his “Wife Speak”. He also told us he loves playing the San Angelo area so much that he made the Concho Valley a regular stop on his tour.
Cooper’s BBQ in Christoval is getting ready to start their 2021 concert series. They brought you the top bands on the music scene week after week in 2020, and you can expect Cooper s to continue bringing you the best entertainers as they present another great concert series this year.
Below we ve listed the first three shows and their dates. As you can see, Cooper s continues to bring you the big names.
Tickets are on sale now for:
William Clark Green – Friday, February 12th
Pat Green – Friday, April 23rd
Kyle Park – Friday, May 14th
Many more bands will be added to this years schedule. Click on for the concert calendar and link to buy tickets. Get even more updates on Cooper’s BBQ facebook page or call (325) 255-2222 for more information.