also not something that is meted out in the heat of the moment or carried along in terms of public sentiment in a sense of drama. and the delay that you are talking about, that we saw i the trump organization in trial, which is proper, the delay you can expect in most trials that are like this because that s what it takes to do it properly, also has the effect, i think for everybody who s watching at, that trial, however closel they are watching, it fo whatever reasons, for whatever strong feelings they have four or against the defender th prosecution, the time is sor of a cooling saucer here i terms of making sure the peopl aren t dragging their emotions into this. i feel like, the reason i highlighting that this is gonn be boring is that i think this is good news for the country but we re not gonna decide thi on the run absolutely.
if you want a little peek behind the curtain here as to how those of us in the nbc news family read scoops from our own shop like this, you should know, like i said, mark caputo an unparalleled reporter in terms of florida politics. but pete williams being a contributing reporter on this as well, pete williams is like the emperor of the kingdom of understatement. when everybody else has their hair on fire about something going on in the criminal justice system or in the courts, it is pete williams who is the cooling saucer who brings everything down ten notches and makes everybody take a breath and stop overreacting. so you put mark caputo on the byline from florida and you put pete williams, mr. calm down, everybody, as contributing reporting, and, frankly, you do not expect a lead as red hot as this one from nbc news today.
election law through, a lot of what it s doing is destroying what people like about elections. they want people to have to present a valid i.d. that is a broadly bipartisan popular position, and this seeks to override that among other changes in our elections that are not going to be popular, and so that s why i think he wants to keep it at the level of some threat to our democracy in terms of his rhetoric. john: no question that nuking the filibuster would turn the cooling saucer of democracy as he put it into a hot volcano of partisanship and in fact, chuck schumer is using the upcoming anniversary of january 6th to sell the need to do this. listen to what he said this morning. so as we remember january 6th this week and as voter suppress we must be clear efforts to de isolated developments but the
filibuster. if there is a vote that s going to come up, it will not pass, it will be filibustered and that will give democrats a talking point but not success that s not particularly a great message going into election year ramping up base by saying look we have control of the senate but we can t really get these things done. bret: and it s, you know, morgan, we have videotape, that s a lot of problem for lawmakers. this is chuck schumer 2005. the idealogues in the senate want to turn what the founding fathers called the cooling saucer of democracy into the rutgers stamp of dictatorship. they want to change the rules in midstream to wash away 200 years of history. they want to make this country into a banana republic. it will be a doomsday for democracy if we do.
filibuster rules in 2005. the ideologues in the senate want to turn what the founding fathers called the cooling saucer of democracy into the rubber stamp of dictatorship. they want to change the rules in midstream. to wash away 200 years of history. they want to make this country into a banana republic. it will be a doomsday for democracy if we do. dana: chuck schumer s big push is to change the filibuster rules. he is trying to create a banana republic. intellectual consistency with a small mind. i guess he was a big mind. first of all we re talking about joe manchin. what else did joe manchin say? he wrote an op-ed saying i oppose the partisan election law and oppose getting rid of the filibuster. they are holding the vote trying to get rid of the