Lost In Space - Fun Facts About Those Suits: No doubt you know a lot of work goes into making costumes for a TV show, but check out just how detailed Lost In Space got with theirs!
impulse going 57 degrees straight up. there s only two jumps i haven t done. i m 48-year-old, since last friday. my dad quit when he was 37. i have two jumps, wimbley jump in the stadium where he packed 90,000 people. i m going back on the harley and jump 16 where he crashed on 13. i m going to try to do the canyon next year. what do you think your dad would say about this. he would say, it was meant to be. go like hell and hang on. really? now he s in heaven. i don t think he would say hell. i think he changed his name before he got in the pearly gates. you re sitting in front of cool suits. a lot reminds me of the stuff your dad wore. is that your stuff or some of your dad s memorabilia, too. all mine. mostly blue leather since i was